Rocker Meets Idol!

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 1
Lilycove City
Music Retail Worker/DJ
You May Say I'm a Dreamer, But I'm Not The Only One
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Niky Racz
Rocker Meets Idol!
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 1:05:54 GMT
Niky Racz Avatar
Niky was at his shop, as usual. No gigs yet, but things have been...stressful. He didn't know what it was, but everyone could feel it. It's been a while since Team Rocket had tried something, so maybe it was because of anxiety of them finally making a move. Whatever the case, business had been slow. Even Sol was borderline sleeping on the job as is. Records of all kinds were inventoried, questions answered, special orders picked up. There was comically nothing to do. With a heavy sigh, the blond went to the back to start cleaning a violin that was dropped off earlier in the day. As he was doing so, he noticed something on the cameras. A...certain individual. But he couldn't figure out why. Lee the Lucario was watching him, and looked to be about to approach the person to see if maybe the Pokemon could help.

Niky grabbed his cane and walked out. Seemed like an interesting customer at the least. Walking out onto the floor, he saw the man. Again limping towards the man, the blond got a better look at him. Oh...he might recognize the guy. More due to the prosthetic arm and...heterochromia, though he wouldn't see that till the guy turned his head towards the blond. "Good afternoon, looking for something in particular?" He gave the rocker his most sinceriest customer service smile. A former idol meeting a rockstar...who would have thought.
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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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Ezra Settentrione
Rocker Meets Idol!
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 2:26:34 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

Like most days, Ezra was dressed to impress. His suit coat was a glimmering, designer thing.But it’d been thrown haphazardly over his shoulder, hanging like a nobleman’s cape. The t-shirt under it was borderline offensive, but enough to draw a smirk from like-minded people. The jeans, meanwhile, were a gorgeous dark wash. Perched on his shoulder was a Rattata in a matching jacket. All in all, he

His fingers flew over the dusty jackets in the bin in front of him. Gray-and-maroon eyes flicked across titles with an apparent disregard for what was in them. His hand stopped on one record. He snorted, his gaze flickering up to Fifteen’s eyes. Fuck. I can’t believe this shit counts as music.” People with vinyl usually had tastes, but some asshole had thrown poppy garbage in here.

He was in the S section. Indulging in an ego stroke, perhaps?

At the click of a cane, the platinum artist turned to face Niky. “Well, now I know why pickings are so fucking slim.” It was one of those idols. And a crippled one no less. Fuck, those fangirls were into orphans. This ‘hushed’ whisper was audible. It wasn’t actually trying to hide.

His lips twisted upward. “A record.” Time to indulge his inner Karen.


lol ezra at it again

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December 1
Lilycove City
Music Retail Worker/DJ
You May Say I'm a Dreamer, But I'm Not The Only One
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Niky Racz
Rocker Meets Idol!
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 1:24:36 GMT
Niky Racz Avatar
The man recognized Niky. It'd been years since he'd been in any real spotlight...it was sort of surprising. But maybe this could make it easier? Nope, what the guy "whispered" axed that idea pretty quickly. Well, he better not be too belligerent when he actually got there. Well, depending on what the guy wanted, all he would have needed to do was take a few steps toward the idol. The rock part of the S section started there. But nope, Niky stood just past it in front of the guy. The rocker said he was looking for a record. That...opened up a lot of options. "Well, you've come to the right place. If pop music isn't your jam, let's step a bit over here..." The blond took a few steps back and pointed at the more rock section.

Which if the rocker was looking for some ego stroking, he'd see that his latest album was sold out, and only a few of his other ones in stock. "Or is there a more specific record you're after?" Niky hoped this guy would simmer down. Or maybe the blond could have some fun with this guy. The way the rocker's lips had twisted into an almost sadistic grin, Niky was thinking the guy might be going full Karen. Which Sol the Larvesta would be happy to "correct" that behavior.

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September 12
Alto Mare
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Ezra Settentrione
Rocker Meets Idol!
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 0:10:56 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

There was one thing Ezra loved more than sex: music. Something his dickbag father had tried to beat out of him. It reminded him too much of his stupid whore wife he said. But that love of song had passed to him like goddamned fetal gonorrhea. And that’d drove him to sample everything that music could offer. Which included the teen bops of this dickless sack in front of him.

As Niky led him away from the trash, Ezra shrugged. Fifteen’s prim claws were drug away from a sleeve as the twink brought them to the rock section. Guy thought he really understood him, huh? Uppity little fuck. With a grin, Ezra pawed idly through the sleeves before him. He paused for a moment on one of his own album covers.
God, that was a nice picture.[break][break]

“Yeah. No.” He waved the stuff in front of him away like some Paldean’s spicy fart. He leaned in closer. “I was thinking something a little more soulful.” There’s a teasing lilt to his voice. “Circa say 98?”


lol ezra at it again

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December 1
Lilycove City
Music Retail Worker/DJ
You May Say I'm a Dreamer, But I'm Not The Only One
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TAG WITH @pokejun4
Niky Racz
Rocker Meets Idol!
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2024 1:18:35 GMT
Niky Racz Avatar
Niky hoped he was good at reading people. Ezra didn't much care for him. Lee even bristled and was ready for action at a moment's glance. He noticed Ezra pause just for a moment at one of his own album covers. Yep, a little ego stroking. Or admiring the cover, he couldn't tell which. Either way, the man rudely said no to the selection shown. Leaning closer, and in a teasing voice, he mentioned something more soulful...Circa Say 98. "Now, Mr. Settentrione, if there's something specific, it saves everyone trouble and frustion to just be out with it the first time. This way please." Niky led the man a little bit further down, and then just around the corner, pointing out the exact album. Lee the Lucario following the duo.

Niky just watched the man intently, wondering what else he was going to do or say. The blond couldn't tell if the rocker was trying to push his buttons or what. There was always more to a person than meets the eye. But there are also times where you get as advertised too.

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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
Rocker Meets Idol!
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 13:01:30 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

If Niky knew him, he’d understand the rocker liked nobody on the surface. With the exception of his Nonna, there was no one on this fucking space rock he respected. Or. at the very least, no one he deferred to. He’d spent way too much of his childhood getting wailed on by a loser. It’d cost his younger, pussier self his arm, his home, and his mother. No fucker would walk over him again. As the rat tail scolded him, the white-haired man’s smirk grew.[break][break]

The guy wanted frustration. Other people’s irritation pleasured him in a way even the best hookers couldn’t. If he’d ever given a fucking shrink the time of day, he was sure they’d have a field day with that one. But he didn’t plan on bearing his heart to some nerdy little fuck. Unfortunately, it seemed his last clue was enough.

Still, tease or not, the idol led him to what he was looking for. On the cover of the album was a white-haired woman. She was smiling shyly with her upper body draped across a piano. She was beautiful. But those blue eyes were haunted, always looking at a ghost. “And we didn’t even need a second clue.” Ezra murmured to the girl. “Look at you go.” The ivory-haired man cooed. Sarcasm dipped from every syllable.[break][break]

He flipped the album over. On the back was a family photo. A suave, dark-haired man with a smile, a little Ezra in his arms. There was a quote on the bottom: ‘This album is donated to my loving husband—a wonderful father and businessman. I thank you for my darling star.’ He then grabbed the next album behind it, a duplicate.

His lips pressed into a thin line before he turned to Niky. “How much?"


lol ezra at it again

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